Business Area


부산국제수산물도매시장 운영법인 BiFEX

Online/Offline Trading Platform

Fisheries consulting such as ODA and EDCF

BiFEX facilitates international seafood brokerage transactions through both online and offline channels. This service involves prior negotiation of listing and trading terms with BiFEX, followed by registration on BiFEX Trading & Resource's online brokerage platform. 

Registered sellers can offer their international seafood products to domestic and international registered buyers through various sales methods, including auctions, reverse auctions, and private negotiations. BiFEX also provides value-added services such as sales and storage, transportation, and purchase financing support.

Key Business Model Elements

1) Online and Offline Channels

BiFEX connects sellers and buyers through an online brokerage platform and an offline network. The online platform facilitates efficient transaction processing, while the offline network fosters personal relationships and trust building.

2) Diverse Sales Methods

BiFEX offers a variety of sales methods, including auctions, reverse auctions, and private negotiations, allowing sellers to choose the most suitable method for their needs.

3) Value-Added Services

BiFEX provides value-added services such as sales and storage, transportation, and purchase financing support to enhance the convenience of transactions.

4) Domestic and International Sales Network

BiFEX provides sales opportunities to domestic and international registered buyers, expanding sellers' market reach.

Key Benefits of BiFEX International Seafood Brokerage Service

For Sellers

 Flexibility to choose from various sales methods

 Enhanced transaction convenience through value-added services

 Expanded market access through domestic and international sales network

 Improved information accessibility

 Reduced transaction costs

For Buyers

 Access to a wide range of international seafood products

 Competitive pricing

 Improved information accessibility

 Enhanced transaction convenience

 Quality assurance

BiFEX is committed to continuous service improvement and innovation to establish itself as a leading platform in the international seafood brokerage industry.

BiFEX is committed to continuous service improvement and innovation to establish itself as a leading platform in the international seafood brokerage industry.