Business Area


부산국제수산물도매시장 운영법인 BiFEX



BiFEX Trading & Resource is not only a seafood brokerage company but also a pioneer in innovative technologies for seafood processing and preservation. The company's business model is characterized by its strong focus on research and development (R&D) and its commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technologies to enhance the quality, efficiency, and sustainability of its seafood operations.

Key R&D Initiatives

1) High-Voltage Pulsed Electric Field (HiPE) Technology for Thawing and Freshness Retention

BiFEX Trading & Resource is collaborating with the Department of Food Engineering at Gyeongsang National University's College of Ocean Science and Technology to develop electromagnetic field (EMF) containers and products utilizing HiPE technology for thawing and freshness retention of agricultural, livestock, and aquatic products.

This technology aims to revolutionize the seafood industry by providing a faster, more efficient, and energy-saving method for thawing frozen seafood while preserving its freshness and quality.

2) Diversification into New Applications

BiFEX Trading & Resource's R&D efforts extend beyond seafood to explore the potential of EMF technology in various fields, including agricultural product distribution and storage, and medical and health applications.

This diversification strategy demonstrates the company's commitment to innovation and its vision to become a leading provider of advanced EMF-based solutions across diverse industries.

Benefits of BiFEX Trading & Resource's R&D Focus

Enhanced Seafood Quality and Shelf Life

HiPE technology offers superior thawing and freshness retention capabilities, ensuring that seafood products reach consumers in optimal condition, reducing waste, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Improved Operational Efficiency

EMF-based solutions can streamline processing and preservation steps, reducing labor costs, energy consumption, and environmental impact.

Expanded Market Opportunities

Diversifying into new applications opens up new revenue streams and allows BiFEX Trading & Resource to tap into growing markets beyond the seafood industry.

Strengthened Competitive Advantage

Innovation and technological advancements set BiFEX Trading & Resource apart from competitors, establishing the company as a leader in sustainable and efficient seafood solutions.

BiFEX Trading & Resource's commitment to R&D and its embrace of innovative technologies position the company at the forefront of the global seafood industry. 

By continuously developing cutting-edge solutions, BiFEX Trading & Resource is not only enhancing its own operations but also contributing to the advancement of the entire seafood supply chain.

BiFEX is committed to continuous service improvement and innovation to establish itself as a leading platform in the international seafood brokerage industry.