Business Area


부산국제수산물도매시장 운영법인 BiFEX

BiFEX's Global Seafood Resource Acquisition Strategies

Securing overseas fisheries business

BiFEX is actively expanding its global seafood resource portfolio through strategic initiatives undertaken by its subsidiary, BiFEX Trading & Resources. 

These initiatives include

1) Asian Carp Catching and Processing Operation in Mississippi, USA

BiFEX is establishing a presence in the United States by establishing an Asian carp catching and processing operation in Mississippi.

This venture aims to capitalize on the abundant Asian carp population in the region and provide a sustainable supply of high-quality seafood products for domestic and international markets.

2) American Red Snapper Integrated Aquaculture Operation in Panama

BiFEX is venturing into Panama to develop an integrated aquaculture operation for American red snapper. This project involves establishing a hatchery, grow-out facilities, and processing plants to produce premium American red snapper for global consumption.

These initiatives demonstrate BiFEX's commitment to securing a reliable and sustainable supply of high-quality seafood products from diverse regions around the world. By diversifying its resource base, BiFEX aims to meet the growing demand for seafood while ensuring the long-term viability of its business.

Key Benefits of BiFEX's Global Seafood Resource Acquisition Strategies

Enhanced Supply Chain Security

Diversifying seafood sources reduces reliance on a single region, mitigating risks associated with environmental factors, regulatory changes, and market fluctuations.

Access to New Market Opportunities

Expanding into new regions provides access to untapped markets and allows BiFEX to cater to the specific preferences and demands of local consumers.

Sustainable Seafood Sourcing

By establishing direct control over aquaculture operations, BiFEX can implement sustainable practices and ensure the quality and traceability of its seafood products.

Strengthened Competitive Advantage

Securing a diversified and sustainable seafood supply chain gives BiFEX a competitive edge in the global seafood market.

BiFEX is committed to continuous service improvement and innovation to establish itself as a leading platform in the international seafood brokerage industry.