Business Area


부산국제수산물도매시장 운영법인 BiFEX

Leveraging Expertise for Global Investment Consulting

Overseas  Investment Finance Consulting

BiFEX Trading & Resource has expanded its business scope beyond seafood brokerage to offer comprehensive financial consulting services to domestic and international companies seeking overseas investment opportunities. 

Drawing upon its experience in securing funding for its own Asian Carp project in the United States, BiFEX Trading & Resource has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses navigating the complexities of global finance.

Fisheries Financial Consulting Project

BiFEX T&R's Overseas Project Progress Framework

Key Services

1) Overseas Investment Strategy Formulation

BiFEX Trading & Resource assists clients in developing tailored investment strategies aligned with their business objectives and risk tolerance. This involves identifying suitable investment destinations, assessing market potential, and evaluating investment structures.

2) Fundraising Support

BiFEX Trading & Resource leverages its extensive network of contacts and expertise in financial markets to connect clients with potential investors, including venture capital firms, private equity funds, and institutional lenders.

3) Due Diligence and Deal Structuring

BiFEX Trading & Resource guides clients through the due diligence process, ensuring thorough risk assessment and valuation of potential investment opportunities. Additionally, the company assists in structuring deals that align with both the interests of the client and the investors.

4) Post-Investment Support

BiFEX Trading & Resource provides ongoing support to clients after investments are made, assisting with monitoring portfolio performance, facilitating communication with investors, and addressing any challenges that may arise.

Benefits of BiFEX Trading & Resource's Investment Consulting Services

Access to Global Investment Opportunities

BiFEX Trading & Resource's expertise and network open doors to potential investments worldwide, giving clients access to a broader range of opportunities.

Enhanced Deal Success Rates

The company's guidance through the investment process, from strategy formulation to deal structuring, increases the likelihood of successful transactions.

Risk Mitigation

BiFEX Trading & Resource's due diligence and risk assessment services help clients make informed investment decisions and minimize potential risks.

Streamlined Investment Process

The company's comprehensive support streamlines the investment process, saving clients time and resources.

BiFEX is committed to continuous service improvement and innovation to establish itself as a leading platform in the international seafood brokerage industry.

By leveraging its experience in the seafood industry and its expertise in global finance, BiFEX Trading & Resource has established itself as a valuable partner for businesses seeking to expand their horizons through overseas investments. 

The company's comprehensive consulting services empower clients to navigate the complexities of global finance and make informed investment decisions that drive business growth and success.